Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting Ready for the Fall Semester!

Had my boot camp or Orientation or workshop, whatever you want to call it, yesterday. It was good. I received a whole bunch of handouts. I have all the assignments that are due for the semester for internship I. I am completely nervous. I am excited too and cannot wait until I can start teaching. After being there and hearing all they have to say I cannot wait until I am a working as a teacher. I feel as if I am a teacher already. I have all of my Texas certifications passed and I think I have gained enough knowledge, but I know I need the experience in the classroom.

I also applied to substitute for the semester. After see all the work that is required just for internship I and for science methods class, that has already posted, I am not sure if I can sub. I want to make the extra money because the family and I are all going to Disney World for Thanksgiving. It is going to be considered as our big Christmas present as well. My kids know now there is no Santa so this will work. I have not told them yet, but I need to. We wanted to make it a surprise, but Disney is going to break the bank especially with me not working. It will be extremely fun! I am taking 4 classes outside of my internship. I will be busy and have to get everything done by Thanksgiving. Everything always seems to be due the week after. That is alright though I am ready and preparing myself for the semester ahead.

I need to do one more spring clean on the house and make sure everyone has their school materials together by this weekend. That is all for now. I have to breathe now and cannot wait. 6 days from now I will be starting internship I, have a first grader, and 5th grader (middle school already ahhhh). 


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