Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here We Go!!

   I want to make sure I stay somewhat on top of my blog this semester; last semester was not so good. It is my first day of school for me and my kiddos. How exciting.

 This is my official last semester as a student/newly intern. Next semester I will be known as strictly “The Intern”. Since I passed all my state required tests I should be called “The Teacher”. Ha Ha. I really do not like the first day of class because it is all about the syllabus and introductions. I just want to know what my professor look likes, what work I have to do, and when it is due. That is it! I am a little discouraged in this morning class because I have to be in a group of 9 people and put together this source book for special needs students. The number of people in my group is not discouraging it is my grade depends on all of us to get it down the same and right. That is scary. It is like being part of an organization and I will get through it. One more thing about this morning’s class, me and another lady are the only ones in internship. Everyone else is on their first to second semester. I have not decided if this is a good thing or bad thing.  Did I mention this is my last semester?

   I woke up at 5 this morning, after yet again not sleeping at all last night, to go workout. I was dreading it, but my husband is right it will wake me up and make me feel better throughout the day. I workout better in the mornings anyways. After my descent workout my husband and I finished packing lunches and got the kids up. We all got ready pretty smoothly today and I was happy we all did. My little Emily did not want me to walk her into school today. We already had “meet the teacher” and she was ready to do this on her own. Hunter on the other hand wanted me to wait to the last possible second to drop him off. I hope he is having a good day in a new school. He is now in 5th, middle school.

  Tomorrow is the big big day. Interning begins! I cannot wait to get into my Pre-K class. I got my mentor teacher some hand sanitizer for her classroom and I am going to go buy a small thing of coffee, Splenda, and cream for the teacher’s lounge. Momma needs her coffee in the morning, especially with the little ones. Plus, it is important to contribute back. I am going to get a nice little bag to put the items in to bring. I have one more class today and that starts at 4pm. It is an ESL class at a school, which I am excited about. My internet class is already up and I already have things due. Here are things due as of today:
Internship – Analysis paper this Saturday
Chapter Notes Review - Special education class- Next Tuesday
Chapter one quiz- Geology (internet class) – Monday
This by the way are just three of my five classes for this semester.  Still have two more to go too. FUN!!! I cannot wait. It is my last semester of classes!!!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting Ready for the Fall Semester!

Had my boot camp or Orientation or workshop, whatever you want to call it, yesterday. It was good. I received a whole bunch of handouts. I have all the assignments that are due for the semester for internship I. I am completely nervous. I am excited too and cannot wait until I can start teaching. After being there and hearing all they have to say I cannot wait until I am a working as a teacher. I feel as if I am a teacher already. I have all of my Texas certifications passed and I think I have gained enough knowledge, but I know I need the experience in the classroom.

I also applied to substitute for the semester. After see all the work that is required just for internship I and for science methods class, that has already posted, I am not sure if I can sub. I want to make the extra money because the family and I are all going to Disney World for Thanksgiving. It is going to be considered as our big Christmas present as well. My kids know now there is no Santa so this will work. I have not told them yet, but I need to. We wanted to make it a surprise, but Disney is going to break the bank especially with me not working. It will be extremely fun! I am taking 4 classes outside of my internship. I will be busy and have to get everything done by Thanksgiving. Everything always seems to be due the week after. That is alright though I am ready and preparing myself for the semester ahead.

I need to do one more spring clean on the house and make sure everyone has their school materials together by this weekend. That is all for now. I have to breathe now and cannot wait. 6 days from now I will be starting internship I, have a first grader, and 5th grader (middle school already ahhhh). 


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Preparing for the BEEsy semester ahead!

     I just found out what grade I will be student teaching for the next year and it is PRE-K. I am a little nervous to be honest. I thought I was going to get the upper grades to practice using the TEKS and to get an idea of what the STAAR testing would be like. I am really excited at the same time. I know I can do this and I may end up really enjoying Pre-k.
    I have been looking all over Pinterest to give me ideas that I can use for Pre-k students and I found this blog about Pre-k through 1st grade interactive journals. I love interactive journals and I am going to make a sample one to have so I can demonstrate it. Click on the picture to take you to the blog.

     I still have not gone to boot camp, but I need to start writing my philosophy of teaching and my analysis paper over teaching standards. I already started my portfolio and I still need to start my resume. I have never made a teaching resume, but ready to get it started. I just wanted to share this blog over Pre-K through 1st interactive journals.
