Sunday, September 30, 2012


I have not been able to blog the last couple of weeks due to it being crazy busy. I had a lot of things due the end of September. I can tell you it has been busy with keeping up with school, with my kids, and keeping up with the house work. I like being busy, but it really is taking time away from everything.

Now on to what I have done! 

I did a mini lesson over the 5 senses and it went great. I read the book “My Five Senses” by Aliki and made a poster size cartoon boy with the 5 senses labeled. The kids really like the cartoon boy. I had made the following pictures from clipart and laminated them. I used sticky tack to stick them to the poster. After reading the book and going over the poster, I demonstrated what they would be doing by using the drum as the example. I asked the students as a group, “What sense do you use when you have a drum.” The students told me you hear the drum. I then asked where I would put it on the poster. They told me by the ear. I then put students in pairs and had them discuss their picture and the sense. The students love to talk, why not give them something to talk about! The students did great with this. After some time of discussing the picture, I had one pair at a time get in front of the class and tell what their picture was and the sense you use to go along with the picture. All the students did a great job and they clearly understood the objective of this lesson.

I will figure out how to upload the 5 sense pictures or will just add them as a picture. 

If this was a full lesson, I would continue the lesson with the students drawing a picture that uses one of the senses. They did great and this was a beautiful lesson to do with my Pre-K students. I was actually TEACHING!

In science methods, I did a bottle rocket car. I have to make two more making one change.  I think I will change the size of the tires. I think this was a good activity and would love to do this in a future class.

Another thing I am working on, besides writing lessons and writing papers, is I am making a quilt with my 5 classroom rules. My Mommaw is going to help me make it. I have the pattern and the material. I just need my Mommaw to help me with making the blocks. I am super excited. The green material will be the trim around each block and the yellow blocks will be the blocks I write or sew my rules on, one rule per yellow box. The material with all the students will be the back of my quilt. I so excited and hopefully I can start on this upcoming weekend.

One more side activity I have done is making a Halloween wreath. I am not completely finished, but love it. I got the idea off of Pinterest. Love Pinterest!!

That is all for now. Crazy month ahead, but I think I will survive!!!!

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