Thursday, January 12, 2012

Start of a new semester!

    I am ready for the new semester to start. It will be a tough one. My husband is gone out for work couple of weeks at a time for the next few months and I have the two kiddos. I am taking 5 classes this semester and it will be a handful. 4 of my 5 classes involve me being in the classroom. This is either to observe and eventually teach a lesson or to tutor and eventually teach a lesson. I am truly excited. I have not been very motivated lately so this hopefully will motivate me. I am going to do my yearly clothes shopping and have to get all new dress clothes. That is exciting and makes for a little motivation.

    I already went and bought 4 of my classes' books and started reading one over ESL. It is very interesting. Some of the material I already know from previous classes but there is tons of new material I do not know, for instance, strategies to implement in the classroom when you have an ELL student. The book says that they do not use ESL to describe students but ELL because they may know other languages and English is not the second. Good to know!

   I know I have gained a lot of knowledge from the education I have attained so far based on already solving a scenario right. I read in the books or online about problems in the classroom and I am like it is because of this and that. I am correct. It is a good feeling. I have not picked up on the names of laws yet. I know some, do not get me wrong, but I do not know a lot and it worries me for my state test. I have to have my state test completed by the end of summer this year. Makes me nervous because I do not feel prepared at all and when will have time to study the material? I hopefully will be teacher certified by the end of summer. YEAH! That is exciting.

   My first class starts this Tuesday and my husband comes home for the weekend. I cannot wait!! For both


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